The Walk
A’ Chuairt

The length of time for the walk to the pinnacle from the car park can vary depending upon weather conditions, fitness levels, and whether you would like to stop to take in the views. We recommend allocating at least 2 hours for the walk up and back down. It can be done in about 1.5 hours, but some visitors prefer a more relaxed walk and can spend up to half a day exploring and experiencing the views.

Please be mindful that we share the site with local wildlife and ask you to close gates behind you, to take litter with you, and to leave no trace. There are bins provided next to the toilets. The Scottish Outdoor Access Code provides lots of useful information on how to enjoy nature responsibly and can be viewed here.

The Old Man of Storr can see a variety of weather conditions, all in one day. It is advisable to be prepared for all eventualities, to wear supportive footwear, and to take extra layers and waterproof clothing with you.

Please check the weather for up-to-date forecasts before you venture out, but bear in mind that these can change quickly.  It is advisable to pack sunscreen and some water for the walk as the route is steep and exposed. And, of course, don’t forget to take your camera, and remember to tag us on Instagram.

Faodaidh an ùine a bheir cuairt bhon phàirc chàraichean chun a’ mhullaich a bhith gu math eadar-dhealaichte a rèir na sìde, cho fiot ’s a tha sib’ fhèin, agus co-dhiù a bhios sibh a’ stad airson coimhead air na seallaidhean. Tha sinn a’ moladh gum fàg sibh co-dhiù dà uair a thìde airson na cuairt suas agus sìos air ais. Faodar a dèanamh ann an 1.5 uair a thìde no mar sin, ach ’s fheàrr le cuid de luchd-tadhail gabhail air an socair agus suas ri leth-latha a chur seachad a’ rannsachadh is a’ gabhail tlachd às na seallaidhean.

Thoiribh an aire gu bheil fiadh-bheatha ionadail air an làraich cuideachd agus mar sin dùinibh geataichean às ur dèidh, thoiribh sgudal leibh, agus na fàgaibh fianais sam bith às ur dèidh. Tha bionaichean ri taobh nan taighean-beaga. Tha tòrr fiosrachaidh feumail ann an Còd Slighean Dùthchail na h-Alba mu bhith a’ gabhail tlachd à nàdar ann an dòigh chunntachail agus faodar fhaicinn an seo.

Faodaidh Bodach an Stòir iomadh seòrsa sìde fhaicinn, uile san aon latha. Tha e glic a bhith deiseil airson gach rud, brògan tacsail a bhith oirbh, aodach a bharrachd a thoirt leibh agus aodach dìonach a bhith agaibh cuideachd.

Thoiribh sùil air ro-aithris na sìde mus fhalbh sibh, ach bithibh mothachail gum faod an t-sìde atharrachadh gu luath. Tha e glic cungaidh-grèine agus uisge a thoirt leibh oir tha an t-slighe cas agus fosgailte. Agus, gu dearbh, cuimhnichibh camara a thoirt leibh agus ar tagadh air Instagram.

How busy is The Storr through the day?*


How busy is The Storr each day?*


How busy is The Storr each month?*


*Based on average visitor data collected on site. Actual visitor numbers will vary from hour-to-hour.

*Based on average visitor data collected on site. Actual visitor numbers will vary from day-to-day.

*Based on average visitor data collected on site. Actual visitor numbers will vary from month-to-month.

Getting Here
A’ Siubhal an Seo

Getting to The Storr
A’ Siubhal chun an Stòir

Our land is steeped in myth and legend and has welcomed visitors over thousands of years. Situated on the Trotternish peninsula and 7 miles to the north of Portree, the easiest way to get to the start of path network is by car. Although, you can also reach the site by bicycle, motorcycle, public transport, taxi, or tour bus.

Public Transport
Còmhdhail Phoblach

The 57A Stagecoach bus leaves from Somerled Square in Portree, towards Flodigarry, and stops at the Old Man of Storr. The journey takes about 15 minutes and does not operate on Sundays. The 57C is the return bus route back to Portree, or the 57A continues in a loop around the island eventually returning to Portree. The bus accepts cash or card payments. If travelling by public transport, please ensure you check the most recent bus times as these may be subject to change. Stagecoach timetables can be found here.

By Tour Bus
Le Bus Turais

There are several tour bus operators who include the Old Man of Storr in their Isle of Skye itinerary. These tours most often leave from Inverness, Glasgow, or Edinburgh, but there may be other options available.

By Bicycle
Le Baidhsagal

If you are travelling by bike, please take care on the roads. Depending on conditions, the journey should take no more than 45 minutes from Portree. There are bike shelters at the Storr which are free to use. These are located beside the public conveniences near the roadside, the unit is not covered. If you would prefer to use a covered bike shelter, there is one located further down the site in the Portree direction. Please ensure that you bring your own lock for your bike and that bikes are locked securely whilst unattended.

By Car or Motorcycle
Le Càr no Motar-baidhsagal

If travelling by car or motorcycle from Portree, take the A855 towards Staffin. The journey should take about 15 minutes and there is parking at the site. If coming from Portree, please note that there is a small layby on the left-hand side as you approach the Storr, but that there is a much larger carpark up ahead on the left with space for 140 cars. We ask that cars please use the off-street car park to allow space for motorhomes to use the on-street parking spaces. There is space for 55 cars on the road in front of the toilets. Please do not park on double yellow line road markings. 

Please note that the car park can be very busy during peak season. If you find that you cannot park within the designated spaces, we kindly ask visitors to come back later rather than parking on verges. The verges are predominantly made from peat which is very soft and parking upon them causes damage to the environment.   

Car parking is chargeable for all motor vehicles at the Old Man of Storr site, with rates as follows:

Up to 6 Hours: £5
Up to 12 Hours: £7

Money generated from car park charges is used to maintain the car park, the path network, and the toilet and motorhome waste facilities at the site, which allows us to protect the site for future generations. 

Please ensure that you are familiar with The Highway Code which gives guidance on road safety, signs etc. If you are travelling below the speed limit, please use passing places to allow other vehicles to overtake you safely. Always drive on the left side of the road. Please pull over to allow emergency vehicles to pass when they are using flashing lights or a siren.

By Motorhome
Le Dachaigh-motair

Motorhomes are unable to park in the main off-street car park due to height restrictions in place, however there is on-street parking provision in place for motorhomes or larger vehicles. 

Car parking is chargeable for all motor vehicles at the Old Man of Storr site, with rates as follows:

Up to 6 Hours: £5
Up to 12 Hours: £7

Money generated from car park charges is used to maintain the car park, the path network, and the toilet and motorhome waste facilities at the site, which allows us to protect the site for future generations. 

Please note that there are motorhome waste disposal facilities which are free of charge to use, located next to the toilet facilities at the Old Man of Storr. Please do not dispose of motorhome waste in the toilet facilities as our drains are not able to cope. Motorhomes or other vehicles are not permitted to stay overnight at the Storr. Please support the local economy instead by visiting a local campsite for an overnight stay and facilities. Please see Isle of Skye Camp Sites for more information. 

By Taxi
Le Tagsaidh

There are several taxi companies operating in the area. Please ask in Portree for advice if required.


Accommodation can be difficult to come across for visitors to Skye. Please ensure you have a place to sleep before coming to visit us. The best time to visit us is during the summer months as the weather is more favourable but it is also a busy time on the island and accommodation is booked up quickly.

Mountain Rescue
Luchd-teasairginn nam Beann

In an emergency dial 999, ask for the Police and then ask for Mountain Rescue.

Scottish Mountain Rescue (SMR) are volunteers who assist at any time of day and in any weather. Help them by being prepared and being aware of the steps to take in an emergency. We are very lucky to have them. Their website can be found here.  

Police Scotland deploy all mountain rescue teams in Scotland. Often, the Ambulance Service are unable to reach people who are lost or injured in the hills. 

The police will require your:

• Location (ideally 6 figure grid reference or named location/feature)

• Casualty information – number and nature of injuries

• Group number and details of equipment you have

• Mobile number and mobile numbers of others in the group

It can be easy to get lost in the hills, beyond the upper reaches of the Storr and Carn Liath areas and past the Photographer’s Knoll and entering Coire Scamadal require navigation skills and proper equipment. We would advise wearing correct footwear, to avoid ankle injuries, and packing a rucksack. Please also consider the weather forecast and any equipment or supplies you may need. 

Some other pointers regarding how to be prepared are to: 

• Register for the 999 text service, if you do not have sufficient service to call 999, you can text to request help. Register by texting ‘register’ to 999 and then follow the instructions. 

• Download the free OS Locate App. Used alongside an OS map, this is a fast and highly accurate means of pinpointing your exact location on the map.  It has an inbuilt GPS system, so mobile signal is not required.  Location services on your device will need to be switched on for this to work. 

• Leave a route card with a responsible person. These can be downloaded here. 

• Remember to let your responsible person know when you’re back safe.

• Ensuring your mobile is fully charged and kept in your inside pocket.

• Carry a map and compass and know how to use them.

• Always be aware of what is around you and where you are.

If you get into difficulty: 

• Try to stay calm and take time to assess the situation and to decide what is best to do. Ensure you/your group are not in any immediate danger.

• Remember ABC (airway, breathing and circulation) if anyone is injured. Insulate the casualty from the ground, add extra clothing. Place any unconscious casualties in the recovery position.

• Locate your exact position.

• Keep warm and decide whether to descend, find shelter or remain where you are and try to conserve mobile phone battery life.

Ann an cùis-èiginn, cuir fòn gu 999, faighnich airson na Poileis agus an uair son faighnich airson Luchd-teasairginn nam Beann.

 ’S e saor-thoilich a th’ ann an Luchd-teasairginn Bheann na h-Alba agus bidh iad a’ cuideachadh aig àm sam bith dhen latha agus ann an aimsir sam bith. Cuidich iad le bhith deasaichte agus mothachail mu na bu chòir dhut a dhèanamh ann an cùis-èiginn. Tha sinn fortanach dha-rìribh gu bheil iad againn. Chithear an làrach-lìn aca an seo.

 ’S e Poileas Alba a bhios a’ gairm a-mach nan sgiobaidhean teasairginn bheann uile ann an Alba. Gu tric, cha bhi e comasach dhan t-Seirbheis Charbadan-eiridinn faighinn gu daoine a tha air chall no air an leòn sna beanntan.

 Bidh feum aig na poileis air an fhiosrachadh a leanas:

 • Suidheachadh (comharra-griod 6 figear no ainm àite/fearta ma tha sin agad)

 • Fiosrachadh mu leòintich – àireamh agus mar a tha iad air an leòn

 • Cia mheud neach a tha sa bhuidhinn agus fiosrachadh mun uidheamachd a th’ agaibh

 • Àireamh fòn-làimhe agus àireamhan fònaichean-làimhe dhaoine eile sa bhuidhinn

 Tha e furasta a dhol air chall sna beanntan, agus a-mach seachad air an Stòrr is an Càrn Liath is an ‘Photographer’s Knoll’ agus a-steach gu Coire Scamadal, bidh feum air sgilean seòlaide is uidheamachd cheart. Tha sinn a’ comhairleachadh brògan cearta gus adhbrainn a dhìon, agus poca-droma le stòrasan. Cùm sùil air ro-aithris na sìde cuideachd agus beachdaich air uidheamachd no stòrasan sam bith a dh’fhaodadh a bhith feumail.

 Tha na leanas am measg nam molaidhean eile a thaobh a bhith deasaichte:

 • Clàraich airson seirbheis teacsa 999, agus mura h-eil seirbheis gu leòr agad airson fònadh gu 999, is urrainn dhut teacsa a chur air falbh airson cuideachadh iarraidh. Clàraich le bhith a’ cur ‘clàraich’ ann an teacsa gu 999 agus an uair sin lean na stiùiridhean.

 • Luchdaich a-nuas an ‘OS Locate App’ an-asgaidh. Ma thèid a chleachdadh còmhla ri mapa OS, ’s e dòigh luath is fìor chinnteach a th’ ann air an dearbh shuidheachadh agad a shealltainn air a’ mhapa. Tha siostam GPS air a thogail a-steach ann, mar sin chan eil feum air siognail fòn-làimhe. Feumaidh seirbheisean suidheachaidh a bhith air an suidseadh air gus an obraich seo.

 • Fàg cairt dhen t-slighe agad aig cuideigin cunntachail. Faodar an luchdachadh a-nuas an seo.

 • Cuimhnich gun leig thu fhaicinn dhan neach chunntachail agad nuair a tha thu air tilleadh sàbhailte.

 • Dèan cinnteach gu bheil teàirrds iomlan san fhòn-làimhe agad agus cùm nad phòcaid a-staigh e.

 • Thoir leat mapa is combaist agus bi eòlach air mar a chleachdas tu iad.

 • Bi an-còmhnaidh mothachail mu na tha timcheall ort agus far a bheil thu.

 Ma bhios tu ann an duilgheadas:

 • Feuch ri gabhail air do shocair agus beagan ùine a ghabhail gus an suidheachadh a mheasadh agus co-dhùnadh dè a bu chòir dhut a dhèanamh. Dèan cinnteach nach eil thu fhèin/a’ bhuidheann agad ann an cunnart sa bhad.

 • Cuimhnich ABC (airway, breathing agus circulation) ma bhios duine air an leòn. Cùm fuachd na talmhainn bhon leòinteach agus cuir aodach a bharrachd orra. Cuir leòintich sam bith a tha gun mhothachadh nan laighe san t-suidheachadh ath-shlànachaidh.

 • Lorg an dearbh shuidheachadh agad.

 • Cùm blàth agus co-dhùin co-dhiù a bu chòir dhut cromadh, fasgadh a lorg, no fuireach far a bheil thu agus feuchainn ri beatha bataraidh an fhòn-làimhe a ghleidheadh.



Frequently Asked Questions
Ceistean Cumanta

Parking can be paid for at the ticket machines with either cash or card, or by using the Ringo app.

It is not currently possible to reserve a parking space in the Old Man of Storr car park. The Storr can be very busy, but please do not park on grass verges or in any non-designated parking spots. Please come back at a later time if the car park is full. 

Motorhomes are unable to park in the car park due to a height restriction and should therefore use the on-street parking facilities. 

The Highland Council cannot accept any responsibility for damage to or theft of vehicles parked at the Storr. 

Yes, there are toilet facilities at the Old Man of Storr as well as a baby changing area. The accessible toilet requires a radar key. All toilet facilities are free of charge for visitors to use. There is a free to use motorhome waste disposal facility next to the toilets. Please help us keep our toilets clean and tidy and let us know if you encounter any issues with the facilities.

No, but during summer months there is a kiosk located across the road from the car park which offers takeaway drinks and snacks. It is located north of the main site, on the south bound side of the A855. Please take care crossing the road. Bins can be found next to the toilets at the Storr site.

Signal strength varies between network carriers. Please bear this in mind and do not rely solely on your mobile device for navigation. Please take care and let someone know in advance where you will be, keep to designated paths, and follow signage.

No, there is no Wi-Fi at the Old Man of Storr.

Currently, we do not have EV charging points, however, we are working on installing charging points for electric vehicles and hope to offer these in the future. Please check Charge Places Scotland for the nearest electric vehicle charging points on the Isle of Skye.

There is a bike storage area next to the toilet facilities at the Old Man of Storr, the unit is not covered. If you would prefer to use a covered bike shelter, there is one located further down the site in the Portree direction. Please bring your own lock and ensure that bikes are locked securely whilst unattended as The Highland Council cannot accept any responsibility for any stolen or damaged goods.

Our dedicated Storr Countryside Rangers are happy to help with any queries you may have or please feel free to get in touch here.  

An Stòr
An t-Eilean Sgitheanach

Clear sky
07:59 AM
Min: 3°C
05:19 PM
Max: 5°C
ESE 4 m/s

Check the weather before you head out to The Storr. Please note this is an estimation - you should always take care when visiting a remote area and bring appropriate supplies. We do not take responsibility for the forecast - all data is provided by a third party.

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