Parking at The Storr
A’ Parcadh aig an Stòr

Our car park is there for the convenience of visitors and to protect the surrounding environment. Money generated from the car park is used to maintain the car park, the path network, and the toilet and motorhome waste facilities at the site, which allows us to sustain and protect the site for future generations.

Parking can be paid for at the ticket machines with either cash or card, or by using the Ringo app. At the moment, it is not possible to reserve a parking space at the Old Man of Storr. The Storr can be very busy, but please do not park on grass verges or in any non-designated parking spots. Please come back at a later time if the car park is full, so that we are able to preserve our beautiful environment. The Highland Council cannot accept any responsibility for damage to or theft of vehicles in the car park. 

Tha a’ phàirc chàraichean againn ann airson a bhith goireasach do luchd-tadhail agus airson an àrainneachd mun cuairt oirnn a dhìon. Tha airgead a tha air a thogail bhon phàirc chàraichean air a chleachdadh airson obair-gleidhidh a dhèanamh air a’ phàirc chàraichean fhèin, lìonra nan ceumannan, na taighean-beaga agus goireasan sgudail do dhachaighean-motair air an làraich. Tha seo a’ toirt cothrom dhuinn an làrach a chumail suas is a dhìon airson nan ginealaichean ri teachd.

Faodar pàigheadh airson parcadh aig na h-innealan-tiogaid, an dàrna cuid le airgead no cairt, no le bhith a’ cleachdadh aplacaid Ringo. Chan eil e comasach an-dràsta àite-parcaidh a ghleidheadh aig Bodach an Stòir. Faodaidh An Stòr a bhith uabhasach fhèin trang, ach feuch nach parc sibh air fàl an rathaid no ann an àiteachan eile nach eil air an comharrachadh airson parcadh. Tha sinn ag iarraidh oirbh tilleadh nas anmoiche ma tha a’ phàirc chàraichean làn, gus an urrainn dhuinn an àrainneachd àlainn againn a ghleidheadh. Chan urrainn do Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd dleastanas sam bith a ghabhail airson milleadh no goid sam bith co-cheangailte ri carbadan sa phàirc chàraichean.

Parking your Bicycle
A’ Parcadh do Bhaidhsagail

There are bike shelters at the Storr which are free to use. These are located beside the public conveniences near the roadside, the unit is not covered. If you would prefer to use a covered bike shelter, there is one located further down the site in the Portree direction. Please ensure that you bring your own lock for your bike and that bikes are locked securely whilst unattended.

Tha fasgaidhean bhaidhsagalan aig An Stòr a dh’fhaodas sibh a chleachdadh an-asgaidh. Tha iad seo suidhichte ri taobh nan goireasan poblach faisg air an rathad, ach chan eil còmhdach orra. Nam b’ fheàrr leibh fasgadh còmhdaichte a chleachdadh, tha fear nas fhaide shìos air an làraich a’ dol gu ruige Port Rìgh. Dèanaibh cinnteach gun toir sibh leibh glas airson a’ bhaidhsagail agaibh agus gum fàg sibh baidhsagalan air an glasadh gu tèarainte.

Parking your Car
A’ Parcadh do Chàir

The main car park at The Storr has capacity for 140 cars. If you find that you cannot park within the designated spaces, we kindly ask visitors to come back later rather than parking on verges. The verges are predominantly made from peat which is very soft and parking upon them causes damage to the environment. 

Car parking is chargeable for all motor vehicles at the Old Man of Storr site, with rates as follows:

Up to 6 Hours: £5
Up to 12 Hours: £7

Money generated from car park charges is used to maintain the car park, the path network, and the toilet and motorhome waste facilities at the site, which allows us to sustain and protect the site for future generations.

Tha àite airson 140 càr aig a’ phrìomh phàirc chàraichean aig An Stòr. Mura h-urrainn dhuibh parcadh taobh a-staigh nan àiteachan a tha air an comharrachadh, tha sinn ag iarraidh oirbh tilleadh a-rithist an àite parcadh air na fàil. ’S e mòine a th’ anns na fàil agus seach gu bheil iad gu math bog, tha a bhith a’ parcadh orra a’ milleadh na h-àrainneachd.  

Tha cosgais parcaidh air carbadan motair air fad aig làrach Bodach an Stòir, aig na reataichean a leanas:

Suas ri 6 Uairean: £5
Suas ri 12 Uairean: £7

Tha airgead a tha air a thogail bhon phàirc chàraichean air a chleachdadh airson obair-gleidhidh a dhèanamh air a’ phàirc chàraichean fhèin, lìonra nan ceumannan, na taighean-beaga agus goireasan sgudail do dhachaighean-motair air an làraich. Tha seo a’ toirt cothrom dhuinn an làrach a chumail suas is a dhìon airson nan ginealaichean ri teachd.

Parking your Motorhome
A’ Parcadh do Dhachaigh-motair

Motorhomes are unable to park in the main off-street car park due to height restrictions in place, however there is on-street parking provision for motorhomes or larger vehicles. Car parking is chargeable for all motor vehicles at the Old Man of Storr site, with rates as follows:

Up to 6 Hours: £5
Up to 12 Hours: £7

Please note that there are motor home waste disposal facilities free of charge to use, next to the toilet facilities at the Old Man of Storr. Please do not dispose of waste in the toilet facilities as our drains are not able to cope. Motorhomes or other vehicles are not permitted to stay overnight at the Storr. Please support the local economy by visiting a local campsite for an overnight stay and facilities. Please see Isle of Skye Camp Sites for more information.

Chan urrainn do dhachaighean-motair parcadh sa phrìomh phàirc chàraichean far an rathaid seach gu bheil bacaidhean àirde ann. Ach tha parcadh air an rathad ri fhaotainn do dhachaighean-motair no do charbadan nas motha. Tha cosgais parcaidh air carbadan motair air fad aig làrach Bodach an Stòir, aig na reataichean a leanas:

Suas ri 6 Uairean: £5
Suas ri 12 Uairean: £7

Thoiribh an aire gu bheil goireasan sgudail do dhachaighean-motair rim faotainn an-asgaidh, ri taobh nan taighean-beaga aig Bodach an Stòir. Na faighibh cuidhteas de sgudal sna taighean-beaga oir chan eil na drèanaichean againn freagarrach airson seo. Chan fhaod dachaighean-motair no carbadan eile fuireach fad na h-oidhche aig An Stòr. Nach toir sibh taic dhan eaconamaidh ionadail le bhith a’ fuireach aig làrach-campachaidh ionadail far am faigh sibh goireasan cuideachd. Faicibh Isle of Skye Camp Sites airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.

Tour Operators and Private Buses
Companaidhean Turais agus Busaichean Prìobhaideach

If you run a tour or you are arriving by private coach, please contact us prior to your arrival.

Ma tha sibh a’ ruith turas no ma tha sibh a’ tighinn le bus prìobhaideach, cuiribh fios thugainn mus tig sibh.  

An Stòr
An t-Eilean Sgitheanach

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