Isle of Skye / An t-Eilean Sgitheanach
Title Text: The Storr

Millions of Years in the Making
Milleanan de Bhliadhnaichean ga Chruthachadh

Welcome to the Old Man of Storr, situated on the Isle of Skye in the Highlands of Scotland. Gaelic is spoken on the Isle of Skye and is an important part of the culture. The Old Man of Storr translates to Bodach an Stòir in Gaelic. When the weather is clear, the iconic landmark can be seen from miles around and is a renowned symbol of Scotland.

Created by an ancient landslip, the rock face and pinnacles were formed millions of years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the land. Legend varies around the ‘Old Man’, with some locals believing that the pinnacle is the thumb of a giant who is now buried underground, whilst others declare that the face of an old man can be seen in the rock face. Which do you think it is?

Fàilte gu Bodach an Stòir, san Eilean Sgitheanach ann an Gàidhealtachd na h-Alba. Tha a’ Ghàidhlig air a bruidhinn san Eilean Sgitheanach agus tha i na pàirt chudromach dhen chultar. Tha Bodach an Stòir air eadar-theangachadh gu the Old Man of Storr sa Bheurla. Tha e na chomharra-tìre suaicheanta is ainmeil ann an Alba agus nuair a bhios an aimsir soilleir chithear e bho mhìltean mun cuairt.

Air a chruthachadh le maoim-talmhainn àrsaidh, chaidh aghaidh na creige agus na bideanan a chumadh o chionn milleanan bliadhna, nuair a bha dìneasaran a’ siubhal na tìre. Tha grunn uirsgeulan co-cheangailte ris a’ Bhodach, le cuid de mhuinntir an àite a’ creidsinn gur e òrdag fuamhaire a tha sa bhidean, agus gu bheil am fuamhaire fhèin a-nis air a thìodhlacadh fon talamh. Tha cuid eile a’ cumail a-mach gu bheil aodann bodaich ri fhaicinn ann an aghaidh na creige. Dè do bheachd fhèin?

Please note: A full Gaelic version of this website is in progress, and we look forward to sharing that with you very soon.

See for yourself
Faic Dhut Fhèin

The Trotternish Ridge is a 19 mile escarpment, formed from layer upon layer of hard volcanic rock that lies on top of layers of much weaker Jurassic age sediments. This ancient landscape may appear unchanging, but intermittent large rockfall shows all is not quiet. Look out for the huge rocks that came off the cliff face in summer 2004, coming to rest at the base of the Old Man. 

’S e easgarpa 19 mìle a th’ ann an Druim Thròndairnis, air a chruthachadh bho iomadh filleadh de chreag bholcànach chruaidh a tha a’ laighe air muin fillidhean nas laige de ghrùideach bhon linn Dhiùrasaich. Math dh’fhaodte gun saoilear nach eil an cruth-tìre àrsaidh seo ag atharrachadh, ach bidh tòrr chreagan a’ tuiteam bho àm gu àm, a’ sealltainn nach eil cùisean nan tàmh. Thoiribh an aire dha na creagan tomadach a thuit bho aodann na creige san t-samhradh 2004, a’ stad aig bonn a’ Bhodaich. 

Plan Your Parking
Planaig do Pharcadh

Ready for Adventure
Deiseil airson Dànachd

An Stòr
An t-Eilean Sgitheanach

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Clear sky
06:01 AM
Min: 4°C
07:00 PM
Max: 7°C
WNW 5 m/s

Check the weather before you head out to The Storr. Please note this is an estimation - you should always take care when visiting a remote area and bring appropriate supplies. We do not take responsibility for the forecast - all data is provided by a third party.